It's not new news that being a mom is tough work. The hundreds questions running through your mind each day. When is nap time? Has my baby eaten enough today? Are we doing enough activities to hit milestones? The everlasting chores that seem to just keep on coming.
BUT, with all the challenges of motherhood comes a whole lot of beauty as well. Those first moments you get to enjoy together.. those first wobbly steps, the first time they see the colours of a sunset, the first time they give you a big squishy hug back. It's so easy to get caught up in the day-to-day routine, and sometimes forgetting about that beauty. That's why motherhood sessions are one of my favourite #minisessions of the year.

A day focused just on mom, and her little gem. I love to offer two different sets of mini-sessions, indoors & outdoors. Both have completely different vibes. Outdoor can be more suited to the wild child that wants to be FREE and run through the grass, giggling while chasing mom in a game of tag. In studio sessions, a bit more intimate and cozy feeling while capturing the sweet smiles as the little one curls up into moms lap.
This blog post is dedicated to the studio sessions!

My studio is private and cozy, located on #VancouverIsland in Metchosin B.C. Filled with warm, cozy textures and organic creams, whites & beige tones. Offering a natural styled lighting, keeping that glow studio look.

Motherhood should be celebrated every single day, but this post is for you! #Happymothersday #kelseylageriphotography #kelseylageri #studiophotographysessions